Bait @ The Intermark, Jalan Tun Razak
My typical day mostly starts off by
searching around KL for new restaurant to try out. BAIT Intermark pops up as
one of the option and we decided to give it a try. The first Bait shop is
located at Bangsar and was the brainchild over a conversation between 2 friends
on the lack of seafood dining options around KL. Hence, Bait was established in
hopes to cure the local cravings for fresh seafood from oysters to their open
grill selections. Bait has expanded their business to The Intermark, located at
Jalan Tun Razak which opens daily from 11am to 11pm, serving both lunch and
KL多数朋友的日常生活中最为普遍的一件事情就是寻找美食啦,在一系列美食餐厅里,位于吉隆坡的Bait餐厅就名列的出现了在名单里,所以我们就决定去试试看。 Bait餐厅的起源是由两位好朋友的闲聊所启发的,他们认为吉隆坡鲜少有以海鲜料理为名的餐厅,所以就成立了Bait. 在Bait,他们满足了每位顾客的需求,以新鲜的海鲜的食材比为主,店里最出名的食材无非就是生蚝啦!你可以选择生吃或到厨房烹煮都可以。 位于The Intermark 的Bait其实是第二间分店,第一间店则是坐落于Bangsar。 Intermark 分行的营业时间是11am-11pm,提供午餐和晚餐。
Prawn & Mango Salad (RM26) 芒果虾沙拉
Our meal started off with refreshing salad
consisting of watercress, grilled prawn, indian mango with honey mustard
dressing. The combination of the ingredients created a colourful and appetizing
plate. Honey mustard dressing being one of my favourite dressings fell short on
the taste, being a little too light for my liking. Nevertheless, the perfect
combination between the ingredients paired incredibly well with the succulent
grilled prawn, creating the perfect meal starter.

Tagliatelle Alaskan King Crab (RM69) 阿拉斯加帝王蟹干面条
Next off, we had the house-made Tagliatella cooked with cream, white wine paired with an amazing onsen tamago and fresh Alaskan king crab flesh. The picture does not do the dish justice as the dish offers a great taste and flavour when combined with the Alaskan king crab flesh. The Tagliatella tasted smooth and springy when it is mixed together with the onsen tamago. The only downside is the price leans toward the higher end.
P.S. I personally feel that the portion of the Alaskan king crab could be a little more generous.
阿拉斯加帝王蟹干面条 - 一道以奶油,白酒,生蛋,餐厅自制的意大利干面条与阿拉斯加帝王蟹肉烹饪出的料理。吃了一口就足以满足你的味蕾,可以感到这碗卖相虽然有所平凡,价钱偏贵的面条绝非一般。鲜甜的阿拉斯加帝王蟹肉,生蛋和面的混合,使得面的口感更滑更顺口,而且还有一阵蟹肉的鲜甜飘散在嘴里。
P.S. 我个人认为阿拉斯加帝王蟹肉有点少。
Risotto Prawn (RM55) 意大利鲜虾炖饭
If you are a fan of risotto, I will
recommend their prawn risotto. The risotto is made with kimchi paste, combining
both Korean and Italian flavour in a single dish. The dish might sound a little
outlandish, but the final combination between the two gives an amazing colour
and rich flavour with perfect consistency and texture. This is truly a simple
yet perfect dish paired with fresh and succulent prawns.
如果是为了意大利炖饭而来, 你必点他们颜色鲜艳和味道佳的意大利鲜虾炖饭。 一道以泡菜酱借力的韩式和意大利式炖饭, 浓郁的泡菜味飘散在具有嚼勁与弹Q的饭粒里,再搭上鲜美多汁的鲜虾的简单佳肴,可说是极度疯狂的佳肴搭配啊!
Paella Negra (RM75) 西班牙大鍋飯
The main highlight for the night was Paella
Negra, which is a classic Spanish dish made with squid ink. The dish is cooked
in a pan filled with rice, squid ink sauce, pepper, baby squid, shrimp and egg.
It is recommended to squeeze some lemon juice and stir it evenly prior serving
as it enhances the paella taste. I would suggest eating the paella with a dab
of the creamy sauce, a mixture of olive oil, mayonnaise and butter. I
personally find this dish delicious and appetizing; however, it is an acquired
taste for some as the taste of squid ink might not be for everyone.
西班牙大鍋飯是西班牙最地道的料理之一,一道以墨鱼汁闻名的佳肴。 墨鱼汁饭, 红椒,花枝, 虾与蛋花盛放在大锅里头。 我个人认为是一份特美味的料理,但不一定符合每个人的胃口,因为不是每个人都接受那股墨鱼汁的鲜味。 为了提升这道佳肴的味道,挤上柠檬汁,迅速搅拌均匀,再搭配上由橄榄油,美奶滋 和牛油特调而成的浓郁酱,味道简直一级棒啊!
Overall, we had a great time eating at
Bait. The service was top-notch and the food was excellent. Even though the
price is more on the high side, it is definitely worth it. The only downside I
would say is their limited food choice.
P/s: It's not a sponsor reveiw. 不是赞助文章。
Address: OT G-19, Ground Floor,
The Intermark Mall,
348 Jalan Tun Razak,
Kuala Lumpur 50400.
Phone : 03-21811268
Time: 11am-11pm
Time: 11am-11pm