
Omaya Korean Spiced Chicken @ Solaris, Mont Kiara

by - July 03, 2017

Omaya, the most hype Korean cuisine right now. It's a paradise for people who loves cheese. As most of the their food comes with generous amount of cheese. I believe that a segment of people are attract to the constant cheese pull. 
现在最火红的韩国餐厅Omaya,可以衬的上是芝士爱好者的天堂, 因为大多数的食物都有起司而且分量十足。另外一个卖点就是那个剪不斷理還亂的芝士,每夾一次就得牽絲一次。浓郁香浓的芝士融化在口里就仿佛自己到了一个充满芝士的天堂,种种的满足感啊!

Omaya's signature dishes are Shimson Stew, Deep Fried Squid Cheesy Toppokki Stew, Pork Rib Cheesy Toppokki Stew, Lee-Kwang-soo Cheese Dakgalbi, 1200mm Korean Giant BBQ Skewer, Honey Mustard Boneless Chicken Cubes, Busan Giant Seafood Platter, Rainbow Slush, Cotton Candy Fizzy Drinks and Watermelon Soju Cocktail  
他们的招牌美食包括辛普森湯, 鱿鱼芝士年糕锅, 熊掌芝士年糕锅,李光洙芝士春川炒鸡锅, 1200mm韓國串燒烤肉, 韓式芝士芥末去骨鸡丁,釜山巨无霸海鲜盘,彩虹冰, 棉花糖气泡饮料和西瓜真露酒。
Honey Mustard Boneless Chicken Cubes 韓式芝士芥末去骨鸡 (RM30)
My favorite dish of the night. The boneless chicken cubes as convenient as a chicken breast, but more tender and juicy. Finger lickin’ good crispy fried chicken in spicy, savory and sweet sauce. Taste even better with a layer of melted cheese.😋😋😋
当晚我最喜欢的一道美食就是这一份韓式芝士芥末去骨鸡啦! 去骨鸡又好比鸡胸肉来的一样方便咀嚼且保有了鸡肉的弹性和多汁。鸡肉外皮酱汁提升了这道佳肴的期待点,因为那辣辣甜甜的酱汁非常的开胃,可以说是好吃到吮手指(搭配那融化的香浓芝士更是另一风味)。
Shimson Stew 辛普森湯 (RM84)
It's the version of Omaya's army stew that can be shared between 2-3 persons. At the center, it consists of traditional rice cakes, sausage, kimchi, luncheon meat, carrot, spring onion, beans sprout, tofu, baked beans, ramen and cheddar cheese slice. At the side of the pot it is loaded with a generous amount of mozzarella and stir-fried topokki chicken. It's also comes with complimentary kimchi (Served in a tool box as shown below ) and lettuce. The soup is quite light but still packed full of flavor and the cheddar cheese inside adds such amazing flavor to this comforting soup.  
这个是特具有Omaya自己独特风味的部队锅 - 辛普森湯(可以供2-3个人享用),这汤锅分别分成了两个部分,外围(环本身)与环的中央,环的中央包含了香气逼人的泡菜汤汁,不过与浓厚的汤汁,搭配上嫩Q的年糕,香肠,午餐肉,豆腐,茄汁焗豆,萝卜,青葱,豆芽,拉面,最后,最后还盖上一层诱人的芝士,就呈现出这一个特有层次感的汤锅。外围放满了浓浓的芝士、辣炒泡菜鸡丁与年糕。如此‘邪恶’的搭配是如此的诱人啊~ 除此之外,店员还会从可爱的工具箱送上一碟一碟的泡菜与蒜片以及生菜到客人的桌上。
Kimchi and garlic served in a tool box 泡菜与蒜片在工具箱里
After finish the soup, the same pot will be used to cook Korean fried rice with cheese.
当汤底喝完了, 同样的锅会用来炒芝士饭。 

Deep Fried Squid Cheesy Toppokki Stew 鱿鱼芝士年糕锅 (RM58)
The squids are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Underneath the crispy squid, you will find toppokki cooked with sweet and spicy Korean sauce generous amount of melted cheese as shown above. If you don't like squid, you can choose other topping like pork ribs, boneless chicken and chicken wings.
除了芝士,鱿鱼也是店里的另一特色,尤其是外脆内软的炸鱿鱼芝士香辣炒年糕, 脆口的鱿鱼底下,藏有着辣炒年糕和分量十足的芝士。如果你不是鱿鱼的喜好者,你也可以选熊掌(鱿鱼外的另一招牌配搭),无骨鸡还是鸡翅膀。 
Watermelon Soju Cocktail  西瓜真露酒 (RM36.90)
A creative way to drink Korean soju which originates from South Korea. The drink, playfully served in a half watermelon rind. It's sweet, refreshing and fruity taste with a pleasant alcohol touch. 
使用原创自韩国的西瓜喝真露酒算得上是此店的另一特点。 浓烈的真露酒搭配上清爽的西瓜果肉,带出了一股淡淡的西瓜水果香味,让人感到一股清凉的感觉却又带有一丝真露酒的暖气 😋😋😋
Overall, service was fantsatic! Price is slightly expensive as compared to other Korean Restaurant but if you are a cheese lover can have a try.  It's advisable to make a reservation before going to avoid long waiting time. If you didn't, be prepared to wait for at least an hour or two. 
终结来说,服务不错。 价钱比一般的韩国餐厅来的贵可是如果你喜欢芝士可以去试看。去吃记得预留位置,要不然可能要等上一到两个小时。

Omaya Korean Spiced Chicken- Mont Kiara
Address : Mont Kiara, 2, Jalan Solaris, Solaris Dutamas, 
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan 
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: 03-62065067
Business hours: 11.30am – 10.30pm

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  1. The cheese looks so good and it looks so delicious. Gonna try it out!

  2. 久仰大名,可是还不曾吃过。
    哈哈 :D

    1. 有机会可以去试试。 可是一定要定位! ;)

  3. 我也听说过这家!非常想尝试!尤其是Watermelon Soju Cocktail XD

  4. Aiyor...那个Cheese看了就有一股快感!好想一大口咬下去

    1. Hahaha! 我当下就是做了大咬一口这个动作! 哈哈

  5. no go try yet as not feel well.
    the food looks so yummy.

  6. 全都是我最愛的cheese。要拿來引誘我妹帶我去了!

  7. 我是cheese控!看起来好好吃呢!看来又有新地方去咯!

  8. woolala.... the watermelon soju cocktail attracted me! - racheal foodilifecious

    1. 哈哈哈!you can make it urself at home!

  9. 那个toolbox感觉怪怪的, 可能是颜色的关系, 感觉会有黑油味的样子, 哈哈。。。

  10. 在第一家吃过,其实口味还好而已

  11. 哇!!! 我最喜欢cheese了!!! 想去试试看!!

  12. 我也爱韩国餐哦!超美味,要找一天去吃吃看了

  13. Omg, this blog will definitely ruined my diet hahaha everything look so yummy.

  14. 哇!
    看到那个满满的 cheese, 我都流口水了 (⊙o⊙)

  15. Oh my this is heaven.... Will surely try when in KL

  16. The food serving is so HUGE!! Bad idea of reading it at night =) Definitely need to visit this awesome place =)

  17. I had try Omaya few months back with my girlfriend, but unfortunately the food I think is much of msg added coz when we otw back home Is so Thirsty all the way till reach home.
