
6D5N Chiang Mai self-drive trip- Pai (Part 2) 泰国清迈6天5夜自驾游- 拜县(2)

by - February 12, 2018

As mentioned in Part 1, we continue our journey to Pai during the first day evening.
正如第一部分所述, 第一天的傍晚我们继续向美丽的拜县出发。

Pai, a small town with relaxed vibe located about 147km north of Chiang Mai. The whole journey takes about 3-4 hours with 762 winding, narrow turn through the green mountain and scenic view to reach Pai. If you are looking for a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Pai will definitely be a great choice.
拜县,一个位于清迈北方147公里处,舒服清新的小镇。全程需翻越三座大山,拐762个弯道,约3-4小时的车程。 如果你想要一个让你可以逃离城市喧哗的地方, 拜县定是一个不二的选择。

Time to visit 最佳旅游时间
Best time to visit Pai is during the cooler season about end of November through to February and it's good to avoid visit during rainy season from June through to October unless you want to avoid the crowd.
游览拜县最佳的时间为每年12月到2月, 因为当时的天气会是无比的凉爽,温度舒适。而6-10月则被列为了是雨季,不是个美好的游览时间,除非你要避开人群。

How to get to Pai 如何到拜
There are many way to travel from Chiang Mai to Pai. Minivan is the most common way to travel which cost around 150 BAHT per person. Do take note that, it is a 3 to 4 hours windy journey, if you have motion sickness, be prepared. For more infomation on Minivan can go for Aya Service or 12Go Asia . Get there by motorbike or rent a car will be another available option, but bear in mind of the windy road with 762 turns. So, if you are an experience biker and driver and feel comfortable by biking or driving on windy road you can try it out. Kan Air Flight can be another option as well. 
从清迈到拜县的交通方式有许多选择。 乘搭Minivan是被誉为最为普遍的方式, 价格大约150泰币。 如果你是一个会晕车的人,必定要为山路762弯的路程做充分的准备。 欲知更多有关Minivan的详情,可以浏览Aya Service 或12Go Asia。除此之外,自驾或驾车也是一个前往拜县的方式。但如果你不是一个有经验或信心的驾驶者的话,建议最好不要选择这个方式,因为要必须考虑到坎坷曲折的山路结构。 除此之外,也可以选择搭乘方便的Kan Air航空。 

Before reaching Pai, we stopped at a rest stop area for toilet and some scenic view. It's truly amaze by the view of the mountain and lush greenery.
还没抵达拜县之前, 我们便停在一个休息站,上了个厕所和享受了那儿的风景。郁郁葱葱的绿色:绿色的树木,绿色的草地以及美丽的山景,美得让人惊讶。

Where to stay 拜县住宿: Re-Wild House (RM288 for 2 nights) 
Once we reach Pai, we check in Re-Wild House for our stay. It's a peaceful and clean place to stay with beautiful scenery. It located 1.5km away from the Pai Night Market and they can arrange motorbike rentals for you as well as the free bicycles. If you want to have a stretch early in the morning before adventure, Re-Wild House definitely be a good place cause they will have free thai yoga class every morning together with awesome breakfast.
当我们抵达了拜县,我们便入住了位于拜县夜市1.5公里处的Re-Wild House 。 一个干净,环境宁静和风景优美的住宿。在哪儿,他们可以协助您租摩托车以及提供免费的脚踏车。早上,他们也会提供免费的早餐以及泰国瑜伽课让你在探险前得以伸展你的身体。
View from our room early in the morning 
Address : 271 M.1 Mae-hee Pai Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand
Phone: +66 99 156 6745
Place to Eat
Breakfast: Earth Tone
We have our breakfast at Earth Tone. It's a vegan and vegetarian restaurant located within 1 min walking distance from our stay. At here, the menu have both vegan and vegetarian breakfast and lunch options, include vegan and gluten free waffles, salad, smoothies bowl , sandwiches, pasta, raw cakes and etc. Not only restaurant, they do offer a fabulous and healthy grocery section with herbs, supplements, tea, shampoo and some homemade good stuff such as jam. Price is more on the high but it's well worth every penny.
我们在一间离我们住宿只有1分钟步行距离的素食餐厅,Earth Tone享用早餐。他们的
餐厅售卖着美味的素食早餐和午餐, 包括无麸华夫饼,沙拉,碗果昔,三文治,意大利面,纯素甜點等等。 不只是餐厅,他们也有销售健康食品如天然植物性健康食品,洗头水,茶叶和手工食品和用品如肥皂和果酱。 他们的价格虽然是有点偏贵但绝对是物超所值。 
Address地址: 81, Rural Rd Mae Hong Son 4024, Mae Hi, ปาย, Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand
Phone电话: +66 84 662 8062
Opening Hours营业时间: 9.30am- 5.00pm (Closed on Saturday)

Lunch : Charlie and Lek
We had our lunch at Charlie & Lek Health Restaurant. We just walk in randomly and didn't expect it to be great. We ordered Papaya Pad Thai, Green curry, steamed fish and stir fried mixed vegetable. The price is reasonable and their service is good.
我们的午餐在Charlie & Lek Health Restaurant解决。 我们只是很随意的走了进去可是没想到食物去不错吃。 我们点了木瓜泰式炒麵,青咖喱,蒸鱼和炒青菜。价钱公道服务不错。 

Address地址: Thailand, Wiang Tai, Pai District, Mae Hong Son, Thailand
Opening Hour: 11am-9.30pm

Place to visit in Pai
1) Yun Lai Viewpoint 云来观景台
It's located about 6km to the west of Pai City. There is a entrance fee of  20 Bath with complimentary tea. Enjoy a cup of  tea with a panoramic view of the Pai city make Yun Lai Viewpoint a relaxing spot. If you look for an photo spot, a field of colourful flower will be a great choice. Not to mention, you get a chance to write a message or wish on a heart decoration and hang it up to beautiful and colouful memory tree.
一个位于拜县中心大约六公里的路程的观景台。 只需20泰珠的入门费,还有免费提供茶水。观景台是一个可以让人心中开阔的好地方, 因为在这儿你可以一边品尝一杯可口的热茶,一边俯瞰拜县中心和周边的田园及山脉美景。 如果你想要找歌拍照的好地方, 这个观景台会是一个不错的地方,遍地五颜六色的花和山脉美景会在那等着你。在这里, 你可以把你的愿望或者留言写在一个形心吊饰上,然后挂在一颗挂满五颜六色形心吊饰的爱情之树上。
Address地址: Wiang Tai, Pai District, Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand
Phone: +66 81 024 3982

2)Mari Pai Resort 拜县马里度假村
A must visit place in Pai. It's just located next to coffee in love. A nice place for photo especially the swinging chair tree. Standing up/ sitting on the swinging chair with a  mountain view in your sight. One of the downside is the queue might be long and you will get frustrated especially under the insane heat unless come during cooling season. 
拜县马里度假村, 一个到拜县必拜访的景点。位于Coffee in love咖啡店的隔壁。 这的地标之一就是壮观的大树秋千,秋千悬挂于一棵大树下。站着或者坐在秋千上便可欣赏到远处美丽的青山,无比的壮观,也让人有一种进入云端的错觉。 这是一个著名的旅游胜地,所以每个人都会在这儿逗留拍照。因此,记得越早到越好,因为在猛烈的太阳底下等待铁定会使人头晕脑胀啊!

Address: 97 หมู่ที่ 11 Tambon Thung Yao, Amphoe Pai, Chang Wat Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand
Phone: +66 84 042 4932

3)Coffee in Love 爱的咖啡
A famous place in Pai due to the Thai movie "Pai In Love "back in 2009. The scenery view here is nice with mountain surrounding. I am here for the scenery but not for food and drink as the menu
selection is abit limited.
Coffee in Love是一间因2009年泰国电视剧"Pai In Love“而闻名的咖啡店。这儿的风景很优美, 放眼望去就能看到群山环绕。可惜的是,这儿的食物选择并不多。多数的客人都是为了美丽的风景而前来的!
Address: 92, Moo 3, Chiang Mai-Pai Road, Tambon Thung Yao, Amphoe Pai, Mae Hong Son, 58130, Thailand
Opening Hour: 7.00AM -6.30PM
Phone: +66 53 698 251

4) Love Strawberry Pai 草莓园
According to its name mentioned Love strawberry. If you're a strawberry lover, you can pay a visit to this place. At here, they offer everything in strawberry such as strawberry smoothies, muffin,jams, dried strawberries, strawberry purse, magnets, stickers and etc. If you go on the strawberry picking season, you get the chance to pick your own strawberry. For us, we just stop by to have a break without buying anything or ordering any food or drink as the price is slightly expensive.
如果你是个草莓爱好者,你一定要拜访拜县著名的草莓园。 这儿,他们销售着各式各样的草莓产品,如草莓奶昔,蛋糕,果酱,干草莓, 草莓钱包,磁铁等等。 如果你遇到草莓盛季,你还可以親手摘取草莓,現摘現食呢。但这里的销售的价格都是稍微偏高的!
Address: 80 Moo 10, Tambon Thung Yao, Pai District, 58130, Thailand
Opening Hours: 8am-6pm everyday

5) Memorial Bridge 拜县纪念
Pai Memorial Bridge also known as World War II Bridge is located around 9km from Pai. Originally, it was built by Japanese during World War II as a route to transport weapons and provision from Chiang Mai to Myanmar. In 1946, Japenese soldiers left and burned down the bridge but local rebuilt it as they use it for transport and deliver. However, a huge flood destroy the wooden bridge and so a steel truss bridge was built in 1976 which stand still as a memorial to the memory of the history.
拜县纪念桥,也名为二战纪念桥。距离拜县大约9KM。是日本兵在二战期间,为了在清迈及缅甸之间运输战争物资所建达的。 在1946年,日本兵离去时把桥烧了,但当地的居民为了依靠此桥来运输物品,便使用了木材重建此桥。 可是不久后又被一场洪水给毁了,因此在1976年居民们决定采用钢铁重建,也就是现在留下的纪念桥。
Address: 1095, Tambon Mae Na Toeng, Amphoe Pai, Chang Wat Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand
Opening Hours: Open all day all time without any entrance fee.

6) Pai Canyon拜县大峡谷
Another must visit place during the trip to Pai. It's an outstanding natural charm with exquisite nature walks in its surroundings. No need to pay any entry fee but you just need to walk up a stair to reach the top of canyon. The scenery up there is beautiful and stunning. If you are daring enough, walk to cliff edge with a 30 meter drop on the either side to enjoy the spectacular view. We choose to go during odd hour for nicer picture cause most of the traveller will head there for sunset view so be prepared for a tourist crowd. 
另一个,拜访拜县必到的地方。 一个原始的自然景觀。无需缴付任何入门费,你只需要经过一段山路上坡道才能抵达顶端。景色很漂亮,自然景观也非常壮观。 如果你不是恐高症患者,你可以选择走在那窄窄两侧30米深的小路上到悬崖边去欣赏漂亮的悬崖风景。 许多游客也会选择在日落时拜访此地,所以如果你要避开人群,你就最好不要选择在日落时分去拜访咯~
Address:Thailand, Thung Yao, Pai District, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

7) Santichon Village 南湖山地村
One of the attraction point for the Santichon Village will be the big wooden human power ferries wheel. Per ride will be around 25 BATH. As you sit in the chair, two/ three man will use their body energy to spin the wheel for an amazing ride. REMEMBER to try it, it's so fun and excited! 
There are a row of shop made of clay selling various of products such as tea and can pay a visit to the replica of the Great Wall of China. 
人力摩天轮是我们拜访南湖山地村的主要原因。每趟收费是25泰币。四个人全部都坐上摩天轮之后,大约会有2-3人成为人力电机,退使摩天轮旋转。 记得要试哦!非常好玩,刺激也非常凉快。另外还有购物地点,方便游客购买一些饰品和食物。也可以参观泰国版的万里长城哦。
Address: Wiang Tai, Pai District, Mae Hong Son 58130, Thailand

8) Pai Walking District 拜县夜市
Pai Walking Distrit also known as Pai Night Market. A walking district along Chaisongkran Road and Rungsiyanon Road that start from 5pm to 10.30pm. Get to find a huge range of product for sale including handcrafts, souvenir, clothing, shoes, postcards and authentic street thai food. The walking district is surrounding by bar and restaurants, so there are plenty places to stop by to grab a food or a drink.
拜县夜市,一个位于Chaisongkran Road 到 Rungsiyanon Road之间的夜市。每天傍晚5点营业至晚上10点半。 在这儿,您可以找到许多商品,比如手工艺品,纪念品,鞋子,衣服,明信片以及泰国的当地美食,如芒果糯米饭等等。 也有许多餐厅和酒吧,在哪儿根本不怕饿到肚子呢~
There are still many other attraction such as Pam Bok Waterfall, Mae Yen (White Buddha up the hill), The Container, The Land Split and etc. Obviously one night is not enough to say goodbye to this beautiful place. Definitely will come back to visit the miss out attraction during a cooler month.
在拜县除了我说讲的地方之外,还有许多好地方可以拜访,比如拜县潘博小瀑布,美音寺, 拜县容器酒店, 神奇裂土等等。一天根本是不足够对着美丽的小镇说再见, 我一定会再次在凉爽的月份再度拥抱这诱人的小镇。

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