
The Dark Gallery @ My TOWN Shopping Centre

by - October 18, 2017

Are you a chocolate lover?  If yes, you will definitely enjoy your time at The Dark Gallery @ My TOWN Shopping Centre. It’s Malaysia’s first dark chocolate concept store that offers more than just a place for great desserts, but also focus of educating its customers of the varied of single origins. These single origin chocolate come from specific cocoa country such Madagascar, Venezuela, Dominican Republic or Valrhona, and each has a different taste profile.
你是一个巧克力爱好者吗?如果是, 你就一定不能错过位于 My TOWN Shopping CentreThe Dark Gallery 啦!它是马来西亚市场上唯一一间以黑巧克力为概念的餐厅。在这里,你除了可以品尝到令人垂涎三尺的甜点外,也可以让你更了解單品(single origin) 巧克力。單品巧克力是采用来自Madagascar, Venezuela, Dominican Republic or Valrhona 單一地方生長的可可製作出的巧克力, 各有独特的味道。

Single Origin Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Platter  單品巧克力雪糕盘 RM21

Best way to savor single origin chocolate is through their  Single Origin Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Platter. This platter features three scoops of ice-cream with an info-graphic that listed the cocoa origin, acidity, fruitiness, bitterness and intensity of the chocolate use. The chocolate percentage indicate the intense of the chocolate flavor. The higher the percentage, the more intense the chocolate flavor.  Following the cafe's advice, it's best to eat with the lower percentage first, before moving on to the one with higher percentage. Personally, I like the intensely bittersweet Venezuela (72%) as compared to Madagascar (64%) and Dominican Republic (70%) , which is fruity and with a floral note, respectively.  
最好了解单品巧克力的方法就是点單品巧克力雪糕盘。 这个雪糕盘总共包含了三种不同的单品雪糕, 除此之外,这雪糕盘也同时列出了他们可可来源,酸度、果味、苦味和可可的浓郁度指數。 可可的含量意味着巧克力的浓郁度。 可可的含量越高, 味道就会越苦涩。 根据店员的述说,应该先平常可可含量低的开始品尝,然后再渐渐品尝更高的。 在这三种不同的單品巧克力雪糕,比起带有水果香的 Madagascar (64%) 和花香味的Dominican Republic(70%)我个人还是偏爱苦涩最浓的 - Venenzuela (72%)。

Single Origin Hot Chocolate Shots Platter 单品巧克力饮料  RM15

If you are a hot chocolate drink fans, try the Single Origin Hot Chocolate Shots Platter,  each 30 ml shot made of chocolate from Madagascar, Dominican Republic and Venezuela. In order to taste the original flavor no sugar and other ingredient is added except chocolate and milk, the staff says. The 64% Madagascar has a fruity taste with a tinge of sourness, the 70% Dominican Republic chocolate kick is deeper and richer compare to Madagascar while the 72% Venezuela is intensely bittersweet and I love the most. When the drinks get colder, acidity of the drink increase. 
如果你爱喝热巧克力饮料, 就不妨试试它们的单品巧克力饮料啦, 每杯30毫升的巧克力饮使分别用了来自Madagascar, Dominican Republic and Venezuela 的巧克力所泡制而成的。 服务员说为了然顾客品尝到最原始的味道,除了巧克力和奶之外,一点糖也没加。64% 的Madagascar带有些许酸度的果香口感, 而70% Dominican Republic 得巧克力味道更显香浓与丰富,然而我的最爱还是最浓的巧克力饮料 - 72% Venezuela 啦,苦涩中带点香甜,一杯非常有层次感的饮料。 当搁冷了喝,巧克力的酸度将会更为明显。 

Single Origin Chocolate Pastries Platter 单品甜点  RM21

These Single Origin Chocolate Pastries Platter are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. The 64% Madagascar macaroons are light and fruity with a delightful crispy exterior. For the 66% Ecuador dark chocolate ganache tartlet, it has a rich depth of flavor and isn't too sweet due to the bitterness of the chocolate. The deceptively simple 70% Dominican Republic dark chocolate truffle taste awesome. The mini trifle of 72% Venezuelan dark chocolate mousse is my favorite. In this mini trifle it consists of caramelised bananas and brownie chunks which blends well with the bitterness of chocolate.
单品甜点能满足你对甜点的喜好。外脆內软的马卡龙搭配上 64%Madagascar, 黑巧克力馅在口中交融, 带着淡淡甜香充斥著口腔。 而拥有66% Ecuador巧克力的巧克力挞,口感极其浓郁, 甜中带着一点苦涩的味道使到挞吃起来的味道不会过于甜腻。 70%Dominican Republic黑巧克力软心巧克力球看似简单却浓郁好吃。72% Venezuelan黑巧克力搭配着香蕉焦糖和布朗尼碎块的乳脂鬆糕(trifle)是我的最爱。味道甜中带苦配的恰恰好。 

The chocolate and service was of a good standard, and the price quite reasonable. Overall it is certainly worth a visit. Definitely, I will go back for more! 
价钱公道, 巧克力的品质和服务都不错,值得一试的好地方。我一定会再回去品尝不同的甜点。

Address: MyTOWN Shopping Centre  Level 1, Lot No. L1-023A & L1-K-007
Business Hours: Mon-Sun (11am-10pm)
Facebook: The Dark Gallery 

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  1. you choosed all my favourite flavours :)

  2. 黑巧克力为概念的餐厅?!是为我而设的吧!!哈哈!最爱不甜的甜品了 :D

  3. 有黑巧克力的地方真的不多见呢!! 在KL市区的话应该不难找哦!! 要去试试看了!!

  4. omg, I need this in my life! :O
    and the place looks nice as well!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  5. OMG I LOVE dark chocolate!!! I'm visiting there soon!!!


  6. Love it when there is some knowledge along with the yummy part/. Kinda gives some perspectives into what goes into making those yummy ones!

  7. Drooling! (oops, paiseh!) Haha, after lunch, it's time for dessert right? :D I don't always go to this part of town but if I do drop by one day, I'll come for this :)

  8. Hehe I love chocolate, but my waistline gets so much bigger. I think it's better to eat less, but with higher quality, so this place looks perfect! Dan

  9. 外面售卖的甜点巧克力都非常甜,这个应该也很适合年长者吃。谢谢分享,这个费时不可! 我住在附近也不晓得原来有这么一个新去处。

  10. this is pretty interesting... time to go check it out.. have not been to mytown for a couple of months now...

  11. 我很喜欢吃巧克力。可以解压。

  12. Wow!! The ambiance of this place was so peaceful and pleasant. They have a delicious dark chocolate ice cream. I am pretty sure when we visit this kind of place my kids will really love it.

  13. I have yet to try out. A friend who works at MyTown keep asking me go try. I think I shall really plan about it.

  14. This place looks superb and love the delicious platter to eat. Would love these session which comes with yummy part.

  15. 这个... 这个... 这个真的是太太太恶魔般的吸引人啦!好想去尝尝啊~

  16. I love chocolate! My children and I would love to try these.

  17. I'm a chocolate lover. I love to eat them in any style and don't mind the quality. As long as it is chocolate!

  18. If i am going to this mall...I would definitely go and try all of those that you tried...come on..who wouldn't want to taste chocolate shots..?!

  19. All the desserts looks yummy to me. Definitely going to try it out

  20. Oh my... this place is like a heaven for chocolate lovers. I'm so gonna check this place out to hunt those yummies down xD

  21. wow look so devil fat world really!!! i will go cause it is dark dark chocolate!

    Click click,

  22. Oh my! This is heavenly and sinful! Chocolate takes your stress away! They should open more branches nationwide

  23. I like that this places looks not crowded and its cozy. I will bookmark this and add to my chocolate tour.

  24. Yeah for chocolate, I am a sweet tooth person :)

  25. chocolate is the top of my dessert list!
    especially dark chocolate!

  26. you got me drooling now... omg!


  27. Yes I am a chocolate lover. Gonna literally die if I ever visit the cafe! haha

  28. 哇老他們家的霜淇淋看起來好好吃,下次去一定要試試看

  29. 黑巧克力我还很爱吃。
