
LI Restaurant @ Damansara Jaya

by - September 05, 2017

Holidays are a great occasions to gather with friends. My friend and I decided to meet up for brunch at LI restaurant, bridging the gap between kopitiam classic and modern cooking technique. It is located opposite Atria Shopping Gallery. A restaurant founded by three close friends, who studied hospitality together at Melbourne. It is a simple, clean and modern restaurant with a white interior. Evoke a leisurely and relaxed feeling. 
假日是跟朋友聚会的好时机。 我和我的朋友决定一到LI 餐厅享用早午餐。LI 是一间结合了传统kopitiam与现代烹饪手法的餐厅。它们位于Atria 对面, 是由三位学习酒店款待管理课程的好朋友创立的餐厅。餐厅的装潢设计都偏向简约风格,整体的感觉还蛮放松舒服的。
Pork Toast  (RM9.50)
Must try dish in LI. Toast slides topped with minced pork, drizzled with ample homemade chili mayo and cilantro. It's a delicious combination. Your taste buds will be doing a happy dance in your mouth when you bite into this crispy pork toast with slightly spicy flavours. 
必点食物之一 , 烤肉碎面包条淋上他们特调的辣椒美乃滋醬与香菜。 一道搭配到非常美味的食物。咬上了一口香脆的 烤肉碎面包条配上微辣的酱汁, 極大的滿足了自己的味蕾, 像一曲舌尖上的舞蹈。

Homemade Sourdough with Sous Vide Kaya & Sea Salt Butter (RM7)
We also ordered housemade sourdough. The sourdough bread is light, fluffy and had a nice crisp to it as it has been toasted. The sour taste from the sourdough goes well with sea salt butter and their special smooth, sweet. light and creamy kaya. Overall, it was a classic food with some modern twist that no one can resist. Great news, especially for those who likes their kaya, they sell kaya in jar !
我们也点了他们手工的酸面包。他们烤过的酸面包口感十足之余还带点脆口,美味极了!味道微酸的酸面包搭配上咸咸的牛油和他们亲手调制的滑口,微甜和浓郁kaya简直是绝配。 整体来说, 一道传统食物加上少许的改良让人欲罢不能。 在这里,他们也有买他们亲手做的kaya!

House Rice Bowl (RM17.90)
One of my favourite dish is the rice bowl with tender and juicy chicken thigh, beautifully done soft boiled egg, ginger scallion sauce, chili mayo and cucumber. Mix it all together and you get a pleasantly strange surprise bowl of goodness. 
我本身非常喜欢的一道食物米饭碗盖饭。米饭配上软嫩多汁的鸡腿肉,半生熟蛋,姜葱蓉,辣美乃滋和青瓜。搅拌均匀会使你吃到一碗味道独特的米饭碗盖饭 。

Calamansi w Kaffir Lime Leaves (RM7)
A refreshing beverage, served chilled, and goes great with a variety of dishes. This drink reminded me of the Malaysian mamak favourite, limau ais.
一杯能搭配许多食物的清新的冷饮。它让我想起了mamak的limau ais.

All in all, LI's service was good, food was great too. For those looking for a local flavours with some modern twist, LI Restaurant might be your choice.
终结来说,L1 是一间特适合偏爱寻找创新地道风味美食爱好者的餐厅,拥有美食至于,服务态度也友善,用餐环境也干净~

Li Restaurant Damansara Jaya
Address: 47, Jalan SS 22/23, Ss 22, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Business Hours: Sunday 10:30AM–5PM
                 Monday Closed
                                                                       Tuesday- Friday : 11:30AM–5PM, 6:30–9:30PM
                                                         Saturday 10:30AM–5PM, 6:30–9:30PM

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  1. Great share. Another good place to visit for food

  2. Pork Toast 看起來好可口啊!!

  3. wow...this post make me hungry at night!

  4. 我有看到这家,不过还试过叻~看了你的介绍,可以和朋友plan一plan了下次在哪里gathering了!

  5. 食物看起来很好吃呢!可以考虑吃吃看!

  6. Nice food photos.😍

  7. 感觉是间很宁静的店,很适合去那里小歇一下…

  8. Looks yummy! That rice bowl is calling us! :)

  9. It's not even breakfast time as I read this is the States and now I want to jump a plane for tomorrow's lunch! Thanks for the mouthwatering photos.

    1. hahahah! youre welcome! glad to share mouthwatering photo with you guys =)

  10. 我喜欢第一道美食!! 因为够肥腻!! 哈哈!!

    1. 哈哈哈!你爱啊肥腻的食物, 可是你还是很瘦!

  11. 看到那个pork toast,我有点忍不住了。

  12. House rice bowl looks yummy! Love to try it out too.

  13. This looks like a great place to eat. The food looks really yummy!

  14. Nice restaurant and decoration inside very clean.

  15. It looks delicious!! Especially the pork toast!

  16. Wow, that toast looks good! Would love to have a try the next time I'm in Selangor :)

  17. The pork toast sure looks yum. Wil get there on my Malaysian sojourn!

  18. Nice place to.lepaking with friends. I would suggest to my chinese friends to visit there

  19. Such a lovely restaurant with yummy food.. Great one!

  20. Love the rice bowl but the I find the pork toast a tad hard and dry texture. Still, love the creative touch to their foods.

  21. Though the food portion looks a lil small, but is enough for me and really should pay a visit as the foods seems not bad to have try. Will check this place out when I back to KL next week <3<3<3

  22. The pork toast look nice to me. My office is around Damansara Utama so easy for me to go there.

  23. Would be a good place for Chinese to eat but off course we cant eat there since they serve pork...

  24. aiyayaya... i'm editing my food photos and I see this... dounble triple hungry now.... - Racheal

  25. Seems pretty well made up and delish! Will check them out soon!

  26. LI Looks like a traditional cafe serving old time favourites with a fusion twist. Looks like a good place to lepak over a drink.

  27. food looks well presented... will recommend my Chinese cousins to go visit and try it out

  28. Simply delicious! The sourdough platter and that house rice bowl would be my favourite. I hope to try it sometime. Cheers!!

  29. Calamansi drink looks so refreshing! Make me want to rush home immediately and make myself a glass of calamansi juice with ice, just like the way it is served at restaurant.


  30. rice bowl is getting more supplies outside now, my favourite cz all in one!

  31. Thank you for sharing this review. It os good to know more restaurants in KL.

  32. Pork Toast looks really good! I never had pork toast before, the texture must be really yums! Need to check out this awesome place!

  33. food definitely looks good.. will be sharing this our with my non Muslim cousins

  34. This is something my family and I will really enjoy! I can't wait to try all these.

  35. This restaurant is very classic. I like to try their Pork Toast, looks so promising.

  36. Can't wait to pay this restaurant a visit, the food looks mouthwatering.
