
Brew &Bread @ Kota Kemuning

by - July 30, 2017

Brew N Bread, a place for good coffee and food,. It's located at Kota Kemuning. From KL it is about a 30 minutes drive but the food and coffee worth the travel. Open everyday of the week as early as 8am to 7pm , except Thursday.  If you are coffee lover, you definitely must try their coffee because they have their own roasting machine. Too bad ! I am not a coffee person.
Brew N Bread 一间提供好咖啡和好食物位于Kota Kemuning 的咖啡馆。如果你住在吉隆坡大概需要30分钟的车程。但必是一趟值得的路程。除了星期四, 他们每天早上8am就开始营业到晚上7pm。 如果你是一位咖啡爱好者, 你应该尝试他们的咖啡因为他们拥有自己的咖啡烘烤机让我看到他们的用心。

At here, they offer a fairly wide variety of food to choose from appetizer, brunch, pasta, rice sandwich and desserts. I personally feel the price is reasonable range from RM11 to RM28. Not only food, the offer a variety of drink as well from coffee, exclusive coffe, hot chocolate, tea and soda. Range from RM8 to RM14.
在这里, 他们提供了不同的选择给顾客。 包含了开胃菜, 早午餐, 意大利面, 米饭,三文治和甜点。 我个人认为价钱(RM11- RM28) 公道。不止食物, 他们也提供了不同的饮料给顾客选择。价钱介于RM8 -RM14 之间。 
To kick start my day, I ordered one of the appetizer Tropical Granola (RM17). This granola is truly delicious, it combines of baked granola, greek yogurt, crushed hazelnut and almond, sunflower seeds and variety of fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, plum. It's served together with a cup of milk. 
美好的一天由美好健康的开胃菜开始,一份健康美味的热带格兰诺拉麦片(RM17)为我展开了美好一天的开始. 一份十分好吃的格兰诺拉麦片。这份健康的开胃菜里包含了烤过的格兰诺拉麦片,希臘乳酪,爽脆的坚果碎, 香瓜子和柔软酸甜的草莓,蓝莓和李子。每一份热带格兰诺拉麦片都会搭配一杯牛奶。
I also ordered wild mushroom omelette (RM9). Wild mushroom wrapped in omelette topped with mushroom cream sauce. It tastes awesome and satisfying with full of tempting flavors. Two words to describe Simple & Delicious. 
My friend had their Eggs Waldorf( RM18). According to her, it tastes super nice. The perfectly seasoned poached eggs on mushrooms with tomato and onions topped with nice hollandaise sauce. I get a bite of it and I feel the flavours are beautifully balanced. So Yummy!
我的朋友点了班尼迪克蛋(RM18)。 根据他的评论,味道不错!水波蛋配上腌制的蘑菇和番茄再淋上荷蘭醬简直是绝配!我也认为厨师把味道搭配的非常恰当,因为我也难以抗拒此佳肴的魔力,忍不住的偷吃了一口。呵呵!
Dried Shrimp Eggplant Hummus (RM19) 虾茄子中東雞豆沾醬
This brunch consist of croissant, poached egg, spicy dried shrimp, roasted eggplant and egyptions hummus paste with nuts and french herbs topping. My friend miss the taste of hummus, so he decided to order this once he saw hummus. Hummus is Levantine dip made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Taste like raw peanut, with pleasantly sour.   According to my friend, the taste of hummus is not as good as what he tried before but still ac
ceptable. You can try hummus here if  you didn't try before. 
这份早午餐包含了牛角面包,水波蛋, 虾,烤茄子和中東雞豆沾醬。中東雞豆沾醬的配料有爽脆的坚果碎和混合香草料。 我朋友想念他曾经在国外吃的中東雞豆泥的味道, 所以毫无犹豫的就点了。 中東雞豆泥乃是著名的中東料理。它的主原料材料是雞豆加入了芝麻醬,橄榄油,盐,檸檬汁和蒜。 它的口感跟花生有点类似且帶有一点酸味。我朋友认为外国的中東雞豆泥比较好吃可是味道还是可以接受。如果没试过中東雞豆泥可以点来试试看。

Overall a very good dining experience with great service and environment. Will come back again for their food. They do offer free parking for 2 hours with term and condition (spend of RM20), that can put your mind at ease even during busy hours. Redeem the 2 hours free parking by pressing the ticket at carpark entrance and pass it to their friendly staff upon payment.
*P/S: How I wish I am a coffee person, so that I can try out their coffee without worry about palpitation.
整体来说挺好的,服务态度好不错,环境卫生也挺好,食物也不错。下次还会再来! 他们也提供了2个小时免费泊車给顾客(消费最少RM20),所以你不用烦恼在繁忙的时间找不到位还是给警察开罚单。你只需要按泊車票, 再付钱是交给他们的员工就可以了。
*P/S: 我多希望我是一个咖啡爱好者,那我就可以无顾虑的品尝他们的咖啡!

Brew N Bread
Address: 10, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla M 31/M, 
Kota Kemuning,40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Business Hours: 8AM-7PM (Except Thursday Closed)
Phone : 60 18-208 1388

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  1. Lol the Eggs Waldorf looks so tempting.. will try out in future.

    Stepheny Siew

  2. wow, one more place for me to enjoy my egg ben with holandaise sauce.

  3. That's a nice cafe, will visit with my buddies this weekend.

  4. the wild mushroom omelette eggs look appetizing! I personally would try Eggs Waldorf when I'm there! :)

  5. These look amazing! Guess now I'm gonna eat dinner one more time today....

  6. Egg Benedict is the bomb

  7. i love egg Benedict very much, should come here and try this!

  8. 看了你的分享我的口水一直流个不停耶😂😂

  9. 很贴心的老板,只需消费Rm20就提供两小时泊车费。

  10. 那个班尼迪克蛋的蛋煮到很棒,完美!哈哈 ! 看了肚子也会觉得饿!

  11. 之前已经去过了,大致上还蛮不错的。

  12. 这里离我家有点远~
    不过有机会去到那里的话, 我去帮你试试看他们家的咖啡吧~ ><

  13. ooohhh! Look at the dripping egg in the Eggs Waldorf! This is actually one of my favourite breakfasts. Can consider going to Kota Kemuning just for the food!

  14. I love bread so much and this attract my attention. yum..yum...

  15. 哇 那个麦片看起来也太美味了吧!
