
Teochew Style Steam Fish Head with Mihun 潮州式蒸鱼头米粉

by - May 03, 2022

Ingredients 食材

  1. 200g Rice Vermicelli 米粉
  2. 1 Fish Head鱼头
  3. 2 tbsp汤匙 Garlic 蒜末
  4. 2 Tomatoes 番茄
  5. 2-3 Red Chilli 红辣椒, 切丝sliced strips
  6. 1 piece块 Ginger 姜, 切丝sliced strips 
  7. 5pieces朵 Shiitake Mushroom 香菇 
  8. Half pack半包  Si Chuan Salted Vegetables 四川榨菜
  9. 50g Lean meat 瘦肉
  10. 1bowl碗 Water/Bone Broth 高汤/水
  11. 3tbsp汤匙 Soy sauce 酱油
  12. 1tbsp汤匙 Sesame oil 麻油
  13. 2tbsp汤匙 Shaoxing Wine 绍兴酒
  14. Pepper powder胡椒粉

Cooking Instructions 烹饪方法

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil. Add in the rice vermicelli. 锅里加水烧开,将米粉放人。
  2. Blanch the rice vermicelli until soft,about one minute. 川烫米粉至微软,大约1分钟。
  3. Remove the rice vermicelli and set aside. 捞起,置旁待用。
  4. Heat oil in pan, saute the garlic until slightly golden brown. 热油锅,加入蒜末爆香至微黄。
  5. Remove the slightly brown garlic from the pan and set aside. 将微黄的蒜末捞起备用。
  6. In the same pan, stir fry the Shiitake mushroom with some water until aromatic & soft. Set aside 同样的锅里,加入香菇和少许的水翻炒至香味和稍微变软. 置旁待用。
  7. Place fish in a plate. Then place the ginger strips,chilli strips, tomatoes & salted vegetable over the fish. 把鱼头和瘦肉摆放于一个铁盘,将姜丝,辣椒丝, 番茄和四川榨菜摆放在上面。
  8. Place in the mushroom and water/bone broth. 加入炒好的香菇和倒入水或者高汤。
  9. Add in soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper and shaoxing wine to taste. 加入酱油,麻油,胡椒粉和绍兴酒调味。
  10. Steam it over a boiling water for 10-15minutes depending on the size of the fish. 水烧开后将鱼放入根据鱼头的大小蒸10-15分钟。
  11. Remove the fish from the steamer and add in the mihun and fried garlic. Then ready to serve.  起锅热后加入米粉和炸蒜末后即可食!

你也可以去到我的YouTube看这道潮州式蒸鱼头米粉的烹饪步骤哦。如果你喜欢这道食谱,可以分享出去或者留言给我知道。还有,别忘了订阅我的YouTube 频道!。 
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