
菜脯炒豆角 French Bean with Preserved Radish

by - May 22, 2022

Ingredients 食材
  1.  300g French Bean豆角
  2. 75g Preserved Radish 菜脯
  3. 1 tsp茶匙 Garlic 蒜末
  4. 3Red Chilli 红辣椒, 切碎 chopped 
  5. 1/2 tsp 茶匙 Salt 盐
烹饪方法 Cooking Instructions

  1. Heat up the pan without oil , add in the preserved radish and stir fry until dry. 热锅不用放油,倒入菜脯用中大火炒至干身 (避免溅油 Avoid oil splatter )
  2. After stir fry the the preserved radish until dry add in oil and slightly fry it for cruchiness. 炒至大约干身再加入油翻炒至菜脯爽脆。
  3. Mix in the garlic & red chilli then stir it until frangant. Transfer out and set aside 加入蒜末和红辣椒,炒均匀捞出备用。
  4. Heat up the pan with oil, add in French beans. 烧热油锅, 加入豆角翻炒。
  5. Add water and saute for about 1-2 minutes then add salt to taste, continue to cooked until tender. 加入少许的水让豆角稍微煮1-2 分钟, 然后加入盐调味继续煮至软化。*(可以尝试用铲子轻轻切一下豆角看软化程度  Use spatula to check for tenderness) 
  6. Add in the cooked preserved Radish and mix well. Ready to serve! 加入炒好的菜脯炒均,即可出锅! 

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