
酸菜炒汤圆 Fried glutinous rice ball with pickled mustard green

by - November 21, 2021

今天我要介绍的是酸菜炒汤圆,一道贵州的特色菜。听起来是不是觉得很奇怪?我第一次从「打卡吧吃货团」综艺听到的时候也有一样的反应。所以我就决定买材料在家自己煮。不忘了说当我告诉我家人我要准备这道料理时,他们觉得我要做黑暗料理。但是,吃了一口就改观了。一道酸咸和甜味交织在一起的特色菜,吃起来真的别有一番风味,好吃!不信? 你也可以试着自己煮! 

Today I will be sharing a Guizou cuisine known as Fried glutinous rice ball with pickled mustard green. I know it might sound like a strange dish or weird combination for you cause I felt the same when I first heard from [Jiayou Ganfanren], a China variety show. So, I decided to make it myself at home cause it sparked my curiousity on how it will taste. Not only that, my family though I’m going to prepare a dark cuisine for them. However, the taste surprises us. A combination of flavors and textures— savory dish with sweet and sour,crispy and chewy. Don’t believe me? You’ll just have to make it for yourself.
Ingredients 食材

  1. 汤圆Glutinous rice ball (红豆/黑芝麻)- 12颗pieces 
  2. 酸菜Pickle mustard green - 100gram, chopped 切碎
  3. 糖 Sugar- 1/4tbsp 
  4. 盐Salt - Pinch 一小掐 
Cooking Instructions 烹饪方法
  1. Heat oil in pan over low medium heat 中小火热油锅。
  2. Add in glutinous rice ball to the hot oil (fry without thawing) - extra careful when frying. 油烧热后加入汤圆(中小火) - 无需解冻即可炸可是小心溅油。
  3. Keep the glutinous rice ball moving and rolling through the oil. Make sure it's evenly fried until slightly golden brown. 不断翻滚锅里的汤圆,让汤圆炸的均匀至少许金黄色。
  4. Fry the glutinous rice ball until slightly golden brown. Transfer out and set aside 炸至稍微金黄色,捞出备用。
  5. Discard the excess oil. Add the pickle mustard greens into the wok without adding oil. Stir fry for 1 minute. 倒出多余的油后无需在锅里放油了,倒入酸菜翻炒约1分钟。
  6. Add in the glutinous rice ball and gentle stir it to mix well. 倒入炸好的汤圆轻轻搅拌均匀(避免戳破汤圆)。
  7. Add in salt and sugar then gentle mix well. 加入盐和糖然后稍微搅拌均匀。
  8. Dish out and serve 起锅装盘。
你也可以去到我的YouTube看这道酸菜炒汤圆的烹饪步骤哦。如果你喜欢这道食谱,可以分享出去或者留言给我知道。还有,别忘了订阅我的YouTube 频道!。 
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