
Pan Fried Potatoes and Long Beans 土豆(马铃薯)烧长豆角

by - October 17, 2021

Ingredients 食材

  1. 长豆角 Long beans - 适量
  2. 土豆 Potatoes - 2 ,切条sliced strips
  3. 小红辣椒 Red Chilli - 2, 切碎chopped 
  4. 蒜末 Minced garlic- 4瓣cloves
  5. 酱油/生抽 Soy sauce-2 汤匙tbsp
  6. 黑酱油/老抽Thick soy sauce - 1/2汤匙tbsp
  7. 蚝油Oyster sauce-1/2 汤匙tbsp
  8. 糖Sugar -1/4汤匙tbsp
  9. 玉米粉Corn starch -1/2茶匙tsp
  10. 水Water -250ml

You might adjust the amount of soy sauce, sugar and water according to your preference. 可根据个人口味调整酱油,水和糖的分量 。 

Cooking Instructions 烹饪方法

  1. Heat up the pan, place in the long beans, slightly fried it and set aside. 烧热油锅, 把长豆角稍微煮油炸然后备用。
  2. Add in potatoes, slightly fried it until golden yellow and set aside. 加入土豆稍微油炸至金黄色,然后捞起备用。 
  3. Add in minced garlic and red chilli into the pan and stir-fry until frangant. 热油锅,加入蒜末和小红辣椒爆香。
  4. Then, place in the cooked long beans and potatoes and mix well. 然后加入已备好的长豆角和土豆,炒均。
  5. Next, pour in the prepared sauce by batch and let it cook awhile before close lid 倒入已备好的酱汁, 关盖前让它稍微煮一下。
  6. Close lid and let it simmer for about 5-8 minutes using low medium heat. 盖上锅盖用小火焖5-8分钟。
  7. Remove lid, mix well and ready to serve. 开盖,炒均匀就可以上菜啦!
  8. Pan fried potatoes and long beans are done. 土豆烧豆角完成!

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