
Bacon Fettuccine Alfredo 培根奶酱意大利宽面条

by - September 18, 2021

I have been working from home for more than 2 months and I am craving for creamy pasta, so I decided to make myself one - Bacon Fettuccine Alfredo. 2个月的在家办公我突然很想吃白酱意大利面,因此我决定自己在家烹饪 - 培根奶酱意大利宽面条。
Bacon Fettuccine Alfredo 培根奶酱意大利宽面条 (还没焖制之前)

Ingredients 材料
  1. Fettuccine 意大利宽面条 - 1/2 pack包 (~250g)
  2. Bacon 培根- 5 strips 片 (Chopped into small slide 切成小片)
  3. Button Mushroom 白蘑菇 - 200g  (sliced 切片)
  4. Yellow onion 洋葱 - 1 (finely chopped, 切碎) 
  5. Minced Garlic 蒜末 - 5 cloves
  6. Milk 牛奶 - 1 cup
  7. Whipping cream 淡奶油- 1 cup
  8. Butter 黄油 - 1tbsp汤匙
  9. Salt 盐 - 1/2 tsp茶匙
  10. Black pepper 黑胡椒粉 - 1/2tsp 茶匙
  11. Mixed herbs 混合香料 - 1tbsp 汤匙
You might adjust the amount of salt, mixed herbs and black pepper according to your preference. 可根据个人口味调整盐,混合香料和黑胡椒粉的分量 。 

Cooking Instructions 烹饪方法
  1. Fill up the large saucepan with water and bring it to boil. Once boiling add salt and fettuccini pasta in then cook according to the time on the packaging/or until al-dents then drain and set aside ( Can add a little of olive oil to the drained pasta to prevent sticking).  在锅里加入清水,将水煮开后,加入少许盐后并将意大利宽面条放置开水里头,然后根据包装上的时间烧煮至熟透捞起后放一旁备用(也可以根据自己想要的口感,在必要时把面捞出)(预防面条黏在一起可以在捞起的意大利面放少许橄榄油 ).
  2. Meanwhile, preheat the skillet pan over low medium heat without oil  then add the bacon in and stir fry until slightly turn brown and fragrant. 与此同时,将锅预热 (不加油) 然后加入培根翻炒至两面熟透和香味四溢即可以盛出备用。
  3. In the same pan over medium high heat put in 1 tbsp of butter. Add in yellow onion cook until soft and translucent. Then add in garlic and cook until fragrant. Add in the sliced button mushroom and cook until golden brown for about 3-5 min. 在平底锅加入1汤匙黄油. 加入洋葱并将其炒至呈透,略略变软后,加入蒜末爆香。随后加入白蘑菇稍微煎至表面金黄,大约3-5分钟
  4. Add in 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of whipping cream cook over low medium heat 8-10 min, or until beginning to thicken. 然后加入1杯牛奶和1杯淡奶油搅拌均匀,加热然后用中小火煮8-10分钟至浓稠狀即可。
  5.  Add bacon to the pan, add 1tbsp of mixed herbs and season sauce to taste (1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp black pepper). 加入备好的培根,1汤匙的混合香料,1/2茶匙的盐和1/2茶匙的黑胡椒粉进行调味。
  6. Add cooked pasta and stir to combine. Heat another minute until warmed through then turn off the heat, cover and let rest 2-3minutes then stir and serve. 最后加入煮好的意大利面迅速搅拌,至食材与酱汁混合均匀后,继续煮1-2分钟让它微沸后关火盖上锅盖让它焖制2-3分钟即可完成。一盘美味香浓的培根奶酱意大利宽面条就可以上桌了。

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