无椰浆的咖喱鱼头 Fish Head Curry (Without using canned coconut milk)
来来来!今天,让我们一起学习烹饪这道由牛奶替代椰浆的无椰浆咖喱鱼头。用牛奶烹饪出来的鱼头都被浓郁的咖喱味给铺盖了,所以,就算不欢奶味的你也可以享用!Let’s learn how to cook fish head curry using normal milk powder instead of coconut milk. Believe me, even you’re not a milk lover you will enjoy this dish as the milk is not too overpowering and its complements these recipes well.

材料有用到自制辣椒所以我大概写一下自制辣椒的材料: 干辣椒, 蒜头, 红葱头和水。 有机会下次我写一遍关于自制辣椒酱。
Ingredients 材料 (5-6 pax 人份)
- Self-made chilli paste 自制辣椒 - 2汤匙tbsp
- Babas fish curry powder Babas咖喱粉 - 1汤匙tbsp
- 1 Fish Head 鱼头 - 1
- 2 Big Tomato 番茄, cut into 4 pieces 切成四块
- 1 large onion洋葱, chopped 切碎
- 1 Brinjal / Egg Plant 茄子, cut into few section 切段
- 10-12 Lady Finger 羊角豆, cut into few section 切段
- 1-2 stalks of Lemongrass 香茅, cut into few section 切段
- 2 sprigs of Curry leaves 咖喱叶
- 3 tbsp 汤匙 of milk powder with one cup of water 奶粉一杯水
- Water 水- 1cup杯
- Salt 盐- Appropriate amount 适量
Cooking Instruction 烹饪方式
- Prepare 3 tbsp of milk powered with one cup of water. Mix well and set aside. 准备3汤匙的奶粉和1杯水, 搅均匀备用。
- Mix the babas fish curry powder with the self made chilli paste and set aside. 把自制的辣椒和Babas咖喱粉搅和,备用。
- Heat up the pan, add in brinjal (egg plant) and lady finger , stir fry for 2-3 minutes. Remove it from the pan and set aside. 烧热油锅,加入茄子和羊角豆,翻炒大约2-3分钟取出放一旁备用。
- Heat up the pan with oil over medium low heat. Then add in the mixture of self made chilli paste and babas fish curry powder. Stir fry until fragrant and aromatic. 烧热油锅,加入调好的
- Next, add in chopped onion curry leaves and bruised lemongrass and fry until fragrant. 接着,加入洋葱,咖喱叶和香茅炒香。
- Then, pour in the prepared milk and 1 cup of water and salt. Increase to medium high heat and allow the mixture to a gentle simmer. 然后,倒入已备好的牛奶水,水和盐,把火调至中大火煮至微滚。
- Add in fish head and let it simmer for 10 minutes over medium low heat or until the fish head is cook through. Then add in the brinjal (egg plant), tomatoes and lady finger and simmer for another 2-5 minutes. 加入鱼头中小火煮10分钟或者鱼头熟透,然后加入茄子, 番茄和羊角豆继续煮个2-5分钟。
- Do a final taste test and now the fish head curry is ready to be served. 最后试味,如果好了一道下饭的咖喱鱼头即可上桌。