茄汁豆腐 Tomato Tofu
茄汁豆腐一道大人小孩都适合的菜肴。豆腐的选择可以依你个人喜欢做选择,而我选了硬豆腐。Tomato Tofu, a dish for both adult and children. For this dish, I choose to use firm tofu due to its lower water content. However, you may choose other type of tofu that you like.
材料 Ingredients (3-4人份Pax)
- 硬豆腐 Hard tofu- 2块
- 玉米粉 Corn flour - 少许 Appropriate amount
Sauce 酱汁
- 酱油Soy sauce - 1 勺tbsp
- 蚝油 Oyster sauce - 1勺tbsp
- 糖 Sugar - 1/2茶匙tsp
- 番茄酱 Tomato sauce- 1勺tbsp
- 黑酱油 Black soy sauce - 1/2勺tbsp
- 蒜末 Chopped garlic - 1勺tbsp
- 清水 Water- 150ml
- 青葱 Spring onion - 少许 Appropriate amount
- 酸甜度和酱汁多少可根据自己的口味调 You might adjust the level of sourness and sweetness to your own liking.
烹饪方法 Cooking Instruction
- Cut the Tofu into desired size and shape. Set aside. 把硬豆腐切块,备用。
- Use a shallow bowl, combine oyster sauce, soy sauce, tomato sauce, sugar , black soy sauce, water and chopped garlic. Mix well and set aside. 将蚝油,酱油,番茄酱,黑酱油,水和蒜末放入碗中搅拌均匀备用。
- Warm the oil in a pan over a medium heat. 烧热油锅。
- Toss the tofu with cornstarch until it's evenly coated. 将豆腐裹上一层玉米淀粉。
- Add the tofu into the hot pan. Let it fry for few minutes until it turns golden brown. Remove it from the pan and drain on paper towels。 把裹上玉米淀粉的豆腐放入锅中,煎至两面金黄。 然后从锅中取出,放在吸油纸上吸掉多余的油份。
- Then discard all the excess oil. Stir in the prepared sauce and bring to a boil. 倒掉多余的油。 然后把调好的酱汁倒入锅中煮滚。
- Gently slide in the tofu and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with spring onion and serve. 滚了之后,慢慢放入豆腐焖1-2分钟然后撒上葱花就可以出锅了。
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