
蒜辣酱油虾 Stir-Fried Chilli Garlic Prawn with Soy Sauce

by - February 15, 2021

农历新年, 虾成为了吃团圆饭必备的一道菜, 因为广东话的虾音听起来像“哈”,意思是欢乐和开心。 所以, 我在这里分享我的蒜辣香葱酱油虾的食谱和烹饪方法让你可以煮给你家人亲朋戚友一起吃让大家一起哈哈笑一整年。During Chinese New Year, there’s always a shrimp dish because the word “HA” in Cantonese, is a homophone for ‘hahaha’ as in laughter. So, let’s us cook this prawn dish together during this Chinese New Year and let’s hahaha for all year long.

  1. 蒜头-4 瓣(cloves) ,切碎chopped
  2. 红色小辣椒small red chilli - 4 (切碎chopped )
  3. 糖Sugar-1茶匙tsp
  4. 蚝油Oyster sauce -2汤匙tbsp
  5. 水Water -100ml
勾芡材料Cornstarch mixture :
  1. 玉米粉(Corn flour) - 1/2茶匙
  2. 水(Water) - 适量(Appropriate)
烹饪方式 Cooking Steps 
  1. 烧热油锅加入蒜头爆香。 Heat up the pan. Add in chopped garlic, stir-fry until fragrant. 
  2. 放入鲜虾,炒至变色。 Add in prawn and stir fry until prawns change colours. 
  3. 加入辣椒,蚝油和糖翻炒一下。Add in chilli, oyster sauce and sugar mix well. 
  4. 盖锅,中火加盖焖2分钟。Close the lid and cook for 2 minutes. 
  5. 加入大概100ml 的水至水滚。Add in around 100ml of water and bring it boil. 
  6. 水滚了,倒入勾芡汁。少许收汁后就可以上锅了。Once the water boil slowly stir in cornstarch mixture. Let it bubble away the sauce starts to thicken and its ready to serve. (酱汁要多要少可以自行决定要加入多少的勾芡汁。You can adjust the amount of cornstarch mixture according to your own preferences). 

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