
招牌豆腐 Signature Tofu

by - March 17, 2021

Ingredients 食材 (10-12pieces 块)
  1. 蛋豆腐/日本豆腐 Egg Tofu/Japanese Tofu - 3条tubes 
  2. 红萝卜 Carrot - 半条half (剁碎, chopped)
  3. 青葱 Spring Onion - 3把stalks (剁碎, chopped)
  4. 鸡蛋 Egg - 1
  5. 盐 Salt - 1/2 teaspoon 
  6. 酱油Soy sauce - 1/2 teaspoon
  7. 胡椒粉Pepper - 适量 appropriate amount
  8. 玉米粉 Corn flour - 2汤匙tbsp
  9. 25小虾Shrimp = 虾胶Shrimp Paste - 150g
  1. 玉米粉 Corn flour - 适量 appropriate amount
How to make prawn paste? 怎样制作虾胶?
  1. Peel and devein the prawns. Rinse throughly and wipe dry with kitchen cloth. Chop the shrimps into chunks and mash it into prawn paste and set aside. 虾去壳去肠洗干净,然后吸干水分。把吸干水分的虾剁烂,然后用刀背打拍至起胶备用。
Cooking Instructions 烹饪方法
  1. Chop the carrot and spring, then set aside. 把红萝卜和青葱剁碎,备用 
  2. Place the egg tofu/japanese tofu in a large bowl. Then, mash the egg tofu/japanese tofu with a fork until fine. 将蛋豆腐/日本豆腐在容器里压烂成泥。
  3. Add in prawn paste, chopped carrot and spring onion. Followed by egg and corn flour then mix well. 加入准备好的虾胶,剁碎的红萝卜和青葱。还有鸡蛋和玉米粉然后搅均。
  4. Season with a pinch of black pepper, salt, and soy sauce to taste. 加入盐,胡椒粉和酱油调味。
  5. Prepare a square pan and grease with oil. Pour the mixture into the pan and steam over boiling water for 15minutes. 准备一个方形蒸盘, 抹油。倒入搅拌好的豆腐泥,放入水已滚的蒸锅蒸15分钟。 
  6. After 15 minutes, remove it from the steamer and let the steamed tofu cool completely. 15分钟后,从蒸锅取出让它冷却。
  7. Once it’s fully cool, remove from the pan and cut into desired size then coat the tofu with cornstarch. 完成冷却后,把豆腐取出切块然后把豆腐块粘上玉米粉。
  8. In a pan, heat up the oil. When it bubbles, add in the coated tofu to fry until golden brown。热油锅,然后把沾上玉米粉的豆腐放进热油锅里炸至金黄色
  9. Transfer the signature tofu to plate lined with kitchen towel to absorb the excess oil. 捞起沥看油分。
  10. Crispy signature tofu is ready to serve. 一道美味好吃的招牌豆腐就好了。
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