
羊角豆培根卷 Beacon Lady Finger Wrap

by - March 30, 2021

今天我要分享一道超级简单的食谱- 羊角豆培根卷, 羊角豆的新吃法。一道你可以选择蒸或煮香煎的食谱。而我选择了一个较健康的方式就是蒸。
Today I would like to share a simple and quick recipe- Beacon Lady Finger Wrap, a new way of eating lady finger/okra. For this dish, you can either steam or pan frying it and I go for a healthier cooking method steam it. 

Ingredients 材料
  1. Lady Finger/Okra羊角豆(秋葵)-15
  2. Beacon slides 培根片 -15
  3. Soy sauce 酱油 - 1 1/2 汤匙tbsp 
  4. Oyster sauce 蚝油- 1汤匙tbsp 
  5. Water水- 50mL 
  • 水和酱油的比例,你可以根据你个人的口味来调You might adjust the water volume and the amount of soy sauce for your own liking。 

Cooking Instructions 烹饪方式

  1. 把羊角豆(秋葵)清洗干净,把羊角豆(秋葵)的蒂和根部给切掉。Rinse and drain lady finger (Okra). Cut off the stalks and trim the ends. 
  2. 培根肉一切二。Cut the beacon slide into halves. 
  3. 用培根以螺旋的方式把羊角卷上,包紧一点。Pick a lady finger and wrap them with half of the beacon slides, roll it tightly.
  4. 将收口朝下,放去蒸锅蒸10分钟。蒸好后,放一旁备用。Transfer the the the beacon lady finger wrap into steamer and steam over boiling water for 10 minutes and set aside. 
  5. 在一个碗里,准备好1 1/2汤匙的酱油, 1汤匙蚝油和50mL的水。搅拌均匀备用。In a small bowl, mix 1tbsp of soy sauce, 1tbsp of oyster sauce and 50mL of water to create a sauce. Mix well and set aside. 
  6. 在一个锅里把准备好的酱汁倒入锅里小火煮滚。In a pan, heat up the oil, pour in the sauce and bring it to boil.
  7. 把滚好的酱汁,淋上羊角豆培根卷!一道简单的美食就好了。Spoon dressing over the beacon lady finger wrap. Serve immediately. 
If you like this recipe, can leave me a comment or share it with your friend. 

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