
南瓜饭 Pumpkin Rice

by - February 07, 2021

Pumpkin Rice 南瓜饭
材料Ingredients (5-7人份Pax) 
  1. 米Rice - 3杯半(3½ cups)
  2. 水Water - 3杯cups
  3. 蒜头Garlic - 10瓣(cloves),切碎 ( chopped) 
  4. 南瓜Pumpkin - 半个half
  5. 五花肉Pork Belly - 250g
  6. 虾米Dried shrimp - 适量Appropriate amount (可选optional
  7. 盐Salt-1/2茶匙tsp
  8. 酱油Soy sauce - 2勺子spoon 
  9. 姜Ginger - 1块pieces (磨成姜蓉, 拧出姜汁用来腌肉,姜蓉放饭里.Grate the ginger to obtain ginger juice and grate ginger. Ginger juice use as marinade & place the grate ginger into rice)
腌五花肉材料 (Ingredients of meat marinade) 
* 腌肉最少30分钟 (Marinate pork belly for at least 30 minutes)
  1.  姜汁Ginger juice - 1汤匙tbsp
  2. 酱油Soya sauce - 2汤匙tbsp
  3. 芝麻油Sesame oil- 1汤匙tbsp
  4. 胡椒粉Ground pepper - 适量Appropriate amount 
  5. 黑酱油Dark soy sauce - 1汤匙tbsp
  6. 耗油Oyster sauce - 1汤匙tbsp
  7. 玉米粉Corn flour - 1茶匙tsp
烹饪步骤 Cooking Steps
  1. 烧热油锅,加入蒜头爆香。Heat up the pan, stir in chopped garlic until slightly golden brown. 
  2. 加入五花肉翻炒一下至肉变色。Add in the marinated pork belly and stir briefly until pork belly no longer pinkish in colour. 
  3. 加入虾米翻炒爆香。Add in dried shrimp and stir-fry until fragrance. 
  4. 放入南瓜炒均。Add in pumpkin and mix well. 
  5. 加入饭,酱油和盐, 翻炒均匀。Add in rice, soy sauce and salt then mix to combine. (*如果要黑一点可以加入黑酱油 Can add in dark soy sauce for darker colour) 
  6. 灭火把米倒进一个大碗。然后放进蒸锅里,蒸25分钟。Turn off the heat and transfer everything to a bigger bowl and steam over boiling water for 25 minutes. 
  7. 大约20分钟,开锅稍微搅拌再继续蒸5分钟。Around 20 minutes, give the rice a stir through to check the rice doneness then continue to steam for another 5 minutes. 
  8. 5分钟后,一锅美味的南瓜饭就好了。5 minutes later, pumpkin rice is ready to serve. Enjoy!
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