
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu

by - January 26, 2021

麻婆豆腐,四川省传统名菜之一。让我们一起在家里, 用上简单的食材,烹饪这道四川传统名菜吧。 Mapo tofu is an iconic Szechuan dish. Let’s learn how to make delicious Mapo tofu with this easy recipe at home. 

材料 (Ingredients) - Pax for 2-3
  1. 豆腐 (Tofu) - 300g
  2.  盐(Salt) - 1 茶匙tsp 
  3. 豆瓣酱(chili bean paste/doubanjiang) - 1 1/2 汤匙tbsp
  4. 花椒 (Sichuan Peppercorn) - 1汤匙tbsp, 切碎 (Ground it) 
  5. 蒜头-4 瓣(cloves) ,切碎 ( chopped) 
  6. 肉碎 (Minced meat) - 200g
  7. 糖(Sugar) -1/4茶匙tsp 
  8. 水(Water) - 200ml
  1. 玉米粉(Corn flour) - 1/2茶匙
  2. 水(Water) - 适量(Appropriate) 
煮的步骤 Cooking Steps
  1. 锅中加入适量的水,水滚后加入盐。Filled the pan with water, bring it to boil and add in salt.
  2. 加入豆腐先煮1-2分钟,然后捞出备用!Add in Tofu and cook for 1-2 second. Drain and set aside. 
  3. 锅中加适量的油,放入肉碎炒至肉变色。Heat up the oil in pan , add in minced meat and stir fry until the meat becomes pale. 
  4. 放入蒜末和花椒爆香和豆瓣酱翻炒,炒到出香味和红油。Stir in chopped garlic, sinchuan peppercorns and chilli bean paste. Stir fry until the oil turns red and fragrance release. 
  5. 倒入水放入糖煮开。Pour in water and add in sugar then bring to a boil. 
  6. 放入豆腐焖煮一下2-3分钟。之后分3次倒入勾芡水!Add in Tofu and simmer it for 2-3 minutes to absorb the flavour. Gentle stir in the cornstarch mixture in 3 separate rounds. 
  7. 当收汁和大滚了就可以装盘了。(有葱花可以洒上哦)Once the sauce is thickened & boil, remove from heat and serve. (If you have spring onion you can garnish with spring onion and serve!)
Feel free to adjust this recipe to your own preference especially for the Sichuan peppercorns. This is all depends on your personal taste preferences of the Sichuan peppercorn you have.

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