
香肠炒土豆丁(马铃薯) Stir Fry Potatoes cubes with Chicken Frank(Hotdog)

by - July 05, 2021

土豆(马铃薯)一个很常见的食材因为好吃也很容易烹饪。今天我要分享让我吃了不停嘴的香肠炒土豆丁。Potatoes are commonly use in meal preparation cause it’s easy to cook and delicious. Today I would like to share an irresistible and easy to cook dish - Stir Fry Potatoes cubes with Chicken Frank (Hotdog).

Ingredients 材料
  1. Potatoes 马铃薯(土豆)- 2-3粒
  2. Chicken Frank(Hotdog) 香肠 - 2条pieces
  3. Butter 牛油- 1汤匙 tbsp
  4. Chilli Powder 辣椒粉- 适量/appropriate
  5. Sesame 芝麻 - 适量/appropriate
  6. Black pepper 黑胡椒粉 - 适量/appropriate 
  7. Mixed Herb 混合香料粉 - 适量/appropriate
Cooking Steps 烹饪步骤
  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into even chunks. 把土豆削皮切丁。 
  2. Boil the potatoes in salt water until tender but not too soft. 在水里加入少许的盐,煮至沸滚然后把切好的土豆丁放入,煮至微软就可以起锅。
  3. Melt the butter in a skillet pan over medium low heat. Add in the potatoes and cook the potatoes under golden brown. 在锅中放入奶油。然后把土豆丁放入烧至表皮微微呈现金黄色。
  4. Add in the chopped hotdog and continue to stir fry for awhile. 加入香肠翻炒。
  5. Stir in chilli powder, mixed herb, black pepper and sesame. Taste it and season with soy sauce as needed. 把辣椒粉,混合香料粉,黑胡椒粉和芝麻加入翻炒。如果味道不够咸可以加入少许酱油提味。 
  6. An irresistible dish are now ready to serve 一道简单好吃的土豆菜就好了。

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