梅菜焖五花肉 Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Mustard/Mei Cai
梅菜分成两种-咸梅菜或者甜梅菜。今天这道梅菜焖五花肉我用的是甜梅菜。There are two types of preserved mustard/Mei Cai- one is sweet and one is salty. Today, we use sweet preserved mustard to cook this braised pork belly with preserved mustard/Mei Cai.

梅菜焖五花肉 Braised Pork Belly with Preserved Mustard/Vegetable
Ingredients 食材(4-5pax 份)
- 五花肉 Pork Belly - 450g
- 甜梅菜 Sweet Preserved Mustard/ Vegetable - 400g
- Dark Soy Sauce 黑酱油 - appropriate amount适量
- 蒜末 Chopped garlic - 1tbsp汤匙
Sauce 酱汁
- Soy sauce 酱油 - 1/2 tbsp汤匙
- Shaoxing wine 绍兴酒 - 1tbsp汤匙
- Red fermented bean curd sauce 紅腐乳酱汁 - 2 tbsp汤匙
- Oyster sauce 蚝油 - 1 tbsp汤匙
- Dark soy sauce 黑酱油 - 1/2tbsp汤匙
- Water - 3tbsp 汤匙
烹饪方法 Cooking Instruction
- Use a shallow bowl, combine soy sauce, shaoxing wine , red fermented bean curd sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and water. Mix well and set aside. 将酱油, 绍兴酒, 紅腐乳酱汁, 蚝油,黑酱油和水放入碗中搅拌均匀备用。
- Wash the preserved mustard/Mei Cai and soak in water for around 10 minutes followed by cutting it into uniform size and set aside. 把甜梅菜洗净, 用水浸泡45分钟后,稍微切一下,备用。
- Blanch the pork belly in water for about 10 minutes, skin side down. Then transfer it out and prick plenty of holes on the rind by using fork. Drain the pork belly with kitchen paper then brush dark soy sauce on the surface of pork belly. 把整块450g的五花肉焯水大约10分钟,然后取出后在五花肉的皮上用叉子密麻刺洞,抹干水份,再均勻上黑醬油。
- Heat up the oil pan without oil and fry the pork belly cube with rind downside. Sear all sides until you have crispy edges. Cut the pork belly into desired slice and set aside. 烧热油锅无需放油把整块五花肉,肉皮朝下放入锅中,小火煎至皮金黄即可,切块备用。
- Heat up the oil pan with oil, add in chopped garlic still until fragrance then add in preserved mustard/ Mei Cai stir fry until dry. 烧热油锅(少许的油),放入蒜末爆香。然后把梅菜放进爆炒至少许干水即可。
- Now gentle pour in the marinade and use your hand to kinda rub the marinade into the pork belly slices. 现在把调好的酱料倒在切块的五花肉,然后用手抓板揉搓几分钟即可。
- Begin placing pork belly, pieces by pieces into the bowl as shown in the picture above. 把处理好的五花肉像图一样排放在碗里。
- Then cover the pork belly with preserved mustard/ Mei Cai. 随后把处理好的甜梅菜倒入碗里。
- Then pour in the remaining marinade into the bowl. 把调好的剩余酱汁也倒进碗里。
- Place it into pressure cooker and steam for 30 minutes and serve. 完成后就可以放进汽压锅里焖煮30分钟,就可以出锅了。
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