
Potatoes and Pork stew 马铃薯五花肉

by - December 15, 2020

Potatoes and Pork stew 马铃薯五花肉
Ingredients 材料(2-3 Pax)
  1. 马铃薯(Potatoes) - 200g
  2. 五花肉片(Pork Belly slide) - 200g
  3. 蒜头(Minced Garlic) -5瓣/5 cloves
  4. 葱花 (Spring Onion) - 适量/appropriate 
  5. 水(Water) - 80ml 
  6. 酱油 (Soy Sauce) - 适量/appropriate
  7. 黑酱油 (Dark soy sauce) -1/2汤匙tbsp
  8. 胡椒粉(Ground pepper) 少许 (Pinch) 
  9. 蚝油(Oyster sauce) -1/2汤匙tbsp
第一步First Step : 腌肉材料 (Ingredients of meat marinade) 
* 腌肉最少30分钟 (Marinate pork belly for at least 30 minutes) 
*Can replace the meat using chicken
  1. 五花肉片 (Pork Slide) - 200g
  2. 酱油 (Soy Sauce) - 1/2茶匙tsp
  3. 芝麻油 - 1/2 茶匙tsp 
  4. 玉米粉 - 1茶匙tsp 
  5. 胡椒粉 (Ground Pepper) - 少许(Pinch)
煮的步骤 Cooking Steps

  1. 烧热油锅,转中火油爆马铃薯至半熟Heat up the pan, fry the potato slices until golden brown. *可以取出待用,可是懒惰所以没有但是不影响味道哦! If you want, you can remove the potato from pan before 2nd step. 
  2. 加入蒜头,翻炒一下. Add in garlic and fry until slightly golden brown. 
  3. 加入五花肉炒至肉变色. Add in meat and fry the pork belly slide no longer pink colour 
  4. 加入酱油和胡椒粉炒均. Add in soy sauce ground pepper. Mixed well
  5. 加入蚝油,黑酱油继续炒均,然后加盖小火焖1分钟. Add in oyster sauce along with dark soy sauce. Cover the pan and simmer for about 1 minute. 
  6. 倒入水,中火加盖焖3-5分钟(可以切看马铃薯是否软了)Pour in water and cover the pan and simmer using medium heat for about 3-5 minutes, or until potatoes are softens 
  7. 起盖,大滚撒上葱花。完成!Garnish with spring onion and serve. 
So if you try this pototes and pork stew let me know by leaving a comment.

Finally DON’T FORGET to subscribe to my youtube for more quick and simple step by step recipe videos.

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