
Fruit Tea

by - May 24, 2016

Water is a best choice to quench your thirst but sometimes you just want something sweet to drink and fruit tea might be an alternatives to soda drinks.

 Fruit tea are hot beverage that infuse the sweetness of exotic fruits and thus it contains lots of vitamins, mineral and antioxidant. You can make your own fruit tea at home without worrying the sugar in it by few simple steps.

- One Oranges 橙
- One Apples 苹果
-  Lemon 柠檬
-  3-4 Strawberries 草莓
- Water 水
- 1/3 cup of orange juice 橙汁或红茶或绿茶
*Optional 1tbsp of honey (sweetness) 蜜糖
*any fruit you like can be add in also 可以选你喜欢的水果

1) Cut the orange, apples and strawberry into small pieces. Slice the lemon. 把水果切成小方块
2) Add 3/4 of the ingredients into french press/ tea pot . 把水果放进茶壶里 。
3)  Pour orange juice and hot water into the french press/ tea pot and steep/boil for 10- 15 minutes 把红茶或绿茶包或橙汁和水也放进茶壶里焖10-15分钟。 如果用茶包把茶包拿走。
4) You can enjoy the tea now {^_^}.  享受你的水果茶吧!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe for fruit tea. I have seen people having this in their tumbler. Now I can make my own!
